The Thank You: Mid-August means it’s not long before the cooler mornings of September. Before we get there, however, it’s high time for the shout-out to everyone that came to the Victoria Jazzfest’s Bullen Park Outdoor Stage on July 1st. Witnessing everyone’s smiles and swaying that took place throughout the audience kept me floating throughout the set. Thank you so very much for your attendance! It means the world!
Shout out to John Blythe and his staff at Pacific Audio, who created the soundscape and setting, and ensured that band members were relaxed and content, hustling to appease our wishes. Fans who have been to many of my shows report that Pacific Audio created the smoothest mix they’ve heard. Hurray & thank you!
Huge thanks, of course, to everyone at Victoria Jazz Society. It was an honour to be asked to perform, and I loved the experience. The fantastic work of everyone on the team, especially the volunteers of course, made us feel warmly welcomed, and appreciated. That was a real treat. We hope that you got to enjoy the incredible musical offerings throughout the week.
Here’s Ashley Wey, Louis Rudner, Damian Graham and myself, having a ball performing for Victoria Jazzfest 2023. Photography by Deborah Price of Victoria, B.C.

Bullen Park Main Stage, Esquimalt,B.C.

(Bullen Park outdoor stage was perfect. Thanks Esquimalt, Victoria Jazz Society, and sponsors.)
Coming Up Next:
The Tribute to Burt Bacharach, is on Friday, September 29th, from 7 – 9 p.m. at Hermann’s Jazz Club, at 753 View Street. Doors open at 5:30 for those that want to enjoy dinner and conversation before the show. Reservations are strongly recommended, but showing up last minute is always fun too!
Several years have been spent wondering about doing a show of Bacharach’s work. Growing up with his music on the airwaves, and the popular entertainment programs on tv, he certainly influenced a whole generation. His most frequent collaborations were with Hal David, lyricist, so most of the tunes for the evening will be their work. There are however, others that involved Carole Bayer Sager, and it’s important to present some of those later works. Striving to keep the evening a great mix, so that there’s something for everyone, you’ll feel the various tempos and themes.
The band and I are happy to include a few special guests that evening too. Brian Tate; composer, choral director, workshop leader, pianist, is also a phenomenal singer and will be joining me. There’ll be a few of your favourite instrumentalists too, so prepare to be delighted.
Right Now: SongRoots hosts a phenomenal singer’s week at Gambier Island, and I’m thrilled to be taking part for my fourth year. Attending various classes with vocal leaders in various genres and cultures; participating in groups, duets and solo work, listening to others and offering ones’ own performance is a hugely enriching and empowering time. In free time after dinner, one can choose to take part in campfire singing, jamming at the dock, swing dancing in the big hall, or general camaraderie everywhere one turns. At the close of day, I love falling into a deep sleep in my tent.

In the first week of September, watch for posters for the Bacharach show. If you have a bulletin board at your workplace or residential building that will take a poster, please let me know and I’ll deliver! It is my responsibility and honour to pay the band members and club fees, and a full house is the best way to do that. Many thanks in advance for talking up the show, taking a poster to share, and of course, for purchasing your ticket in advance. If you can’t be there in person for the live version, there’s always the livestream link, with info on how to donate online. Thank you for your support and enthusiasm.