Find joy from the recently created music video, Love Flows Through Roots – Hearts of 2020. Likes, shares, comments, are welcome!
An amazing journey this summer started in April with a heart-felt gesture. Sewing unique stuffed fabric hearts with on-hand materials, I would hang them in the trees of those that I believed might need one, could use one, or probably want one. As it brought joy to recipients, so it did for me. I pedalled far and wide and loved every minute of the creating and the giving. As the reciprocal connection was inspiring, I would take the video camera along with me to get the moments recorded, even well before the song was completed.
Tired/Inspired, I then got to the work of the song, honing the lyrics that truly conveyed the mini-movement, while ensuring that the rhythm would lift us with momentum. We could all feel how much we are connected: Stronger together, while apart. By the time the lyrics and melody were fixed in my mind and body, I was halfway through the heart deliveries.
Working with musicians Ashley Wey, Louis Rudner, and Damian Graham, all socially-distanced of course, made it a new experience for the recording. I hope you love what they’ve done with their parts. They came through with such amazing work…I love Ashley’s work on the organ, while Damian’s powerful drum intro immediately draws in the listener.
Now, regarding the “how to support an artist” question…..its an easy answer. You can put a little cash in an envelope and drop it in the mail slot at my green door. If you don’t live in Victoria, there are still many options. You can do PayPal, bank transfer for Royal Bank or Coast Capital customers, e-transfer, or mail a cheque! Easy-peasy! Please send an email for the details that work for you. Every bit helps. I am grateful for all your support, and encouraged to continue making songs and videos.
Happy Autumn!